Yes, the video player now has the ability to choose the video quality, and media files can now be attached after sending a message.

Traditionally, on the last day of the month, a global update with new functions was presented for Telegram – both in the mobile and desktop versions. Information about this was published on the developers’ blog.

Now Telegram has become even closer to YouTube – the video player has gained the ability to choose the video quality during playback in channels. This will allow you to adjust the balance between video clarity and traffic volume. In addition, you can change the playback speed for the videos themselves (1.5 and 2.5 times).

In addition, with the October update, Telegram users finally got the ability to add photos, videos or files to a message after sending it through the editing menu. This means no more deleting messages and starting over.

Among other innovations: displaying the time of editing a message in correspondence and channels, internal hashtags in chats, and on iOS, the “Picture in Picture” mode has been refined. Along with this, official Telegram advertising appeared in bots and mini-applications.

The updated Telegram 11.3 is already available for installation – in order for all functions to work, you need to update the application to the latest version in Google Play or the App Store, as well as Windows and macOS.

It became known earlier that Telegram plans to create its own YouTube counterpart: they plan to “sew” video hosting into the basic application. By design, the player will have to work with both video clips and audio tracks.

As UNIAN wrote, after his release from arrest, Pavlo Durov admitted that Telegram is not perfect and promised to transfer the moderation of the platform “from the sphere of criticism to the sphere of praise.” In particular, the scandalous function “People nearby” has disappeared from Telegram. Also, according to the new rules, the messenger will disclose user data at the request of the authorities.

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